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Prayer List

Susan Allen

Becky Baney

Larry Barnhart

Max & Martha Bingman

Linda Boyer

Chris Bruce

Betty Carter

Marge Camp

Kelly Chesney

Nancy Davis

J.R. Digivonni

Doug Eaton

Troy Ermey

Mary Ewing

Denise Frost

Eric Graybill

Julie Gaugler

Debra Good

Barb Goodling

Thor Michael Hall

Brantely Herman

William Hassinger

Dean Heintzelman

Mary Hepner

Betty Herman

Cloyd Hess

Denise Heffner

Doris Heffner

Cheryl Henry

Gracie Hollenbach

Stephanie Horne

Lester Hummel

Jim Jacobs

Lou James

Pastor Jones

Marcus Josey

Riley Kandrovy

Ben Keiser

Rachel Kelsey

Paige Keslowski


David Kline

Thereas Koch

Jean Kreighbaum

John Kreighbaum

Dr. Kristine Marcks

Marianna Marquis 

Jessica Martin

Linda Martin

Marica McBirney

Tony Milbrand

Lisa Milbrand

Michele Miller

Donna Moyer

Nancy Murray

Daisy Peters

Shirley Pheasant

Charlie Potter

Karen Renninger

Ron Renshaw

Debbie Reigle

Audrey Ritter

Steve Savidge

John Schenk

Joyce Schenk

Troy Schlegel

Dean Scholl

Tim Scholl

Helen Schug

Cathy Shaffer

Darryl Shirk

Finley Snook

John Snyder

Elizabeth Shaffer Velluto

Sybil Spotts

LaDawn Straub

Nancy Straub

Erik Swanson

Debbie Wagner

Jill Walter

Glenn Wiand

Carl Winey

Curtis Yerger

Bob Zimmerman

Ruth Zimmerman


If there is a name on the list who has recovered and no longer needs to be on the list, or a family member who has passed or is sick,

please inform the office at 570-837-6121 so that name can be removed or a name can be added to the list.

We also extend our prayers and sympathy the family and friends of Rowena Lenig, Goldie Moyer, Jackie Rager, Reese Conklin, Nancy Moyer, Don Beck.

Also please keep Emmanuel in your prayers as we continue with the difficult task of searching for a pastor for Emmanuel.

 Also please keep in your prayers Rev, Stina Schaeffer and the congregation of Salem Lutheran Church.


Just a reminder that Julie Rudon will send cards from the church if you let her know when there is someone ill, or deceased. Her phone number is 570-847-6260.

If you put a name on the Prayer List read during the service, please inform the Pastor or the office if the person or family would like a visit from the Pastor.






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